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Dear colleagues,

Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo will be the host of the scientific conference VIII Sarajevo Days of Psychology, which will be held from the 21st to the 22nd June, 2024.

The conference is organized by Department of Psychology and Centre for Psychological Research, Education, and Counseling, together with Centre for Scientific Research and Expert Activities (NIRSA).

The conference will be a great opportunity for gathering scientists and experts in psychology from Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond. The programme will include oral presentations, poster presentations, round table, symposia, and workshops.

It is our great pleasure to announce a keynote lecture which will be given by internationally recognized scientist:

The efficacy of cognitive training: Are we asking the right questions?

Dr. Andrea Vranić, Associate Professor at Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

The application deadline is March 15th 2024. You can find more information on keynote lecture, abstract submissions, registration fee, activities, and important dates on the link:


We look forward to the meeting at VIII Sarajevo Days of Psychology.


Kind regards,

Organization Committee of  VIII Sarajevo Days of Psychology