Hits: 1991

Following the existing tradition, on the scientific conference of the 8th Sarajevo Days of Psychology, the memorial award ''Ante Raić'' will be awarded to the best master's thesis which has been defended at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy in the period from the 1.2.2022. to the 1.2.2024.

The ''Ante Raić'' award has been established back in 2014, as a tribute to the memory of Ante Raić, a student of the first generation at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo.

Ante (Marijan) Raić was born in Sarajevo on the 03.06.1968. where he finished the primary school and the medical high school. During the war, aside from studying psychology, he was also a student on the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies. His colleagues, as well as the professors remember him as an unbelievably warm and kind person, more than willing to help others. At the beginning of war in 1992., he enrolled as a part of the territorial defense unit and later he enrolled to the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He also, later in 1993, enrolled as a part of the special police unit ''Bosna'', where he was assigned the rank of a sergeant. According to the words of his comrades, Ante Raić was a prime example of a brave, dignified and proud bosnian ''knight''. Unfortunately, nearing the very end of the war, in 1995, Ante Raić lost his life defending his own city. Posthumously he was honoured with a Golden police star.

We hereby invite all those who are interested and who have graduated in the previously stated period, to submit their master's thesis.

The commission, who will grade the best master's thesis, will evaluate all of the submitted papers according to the criteria which can be found here.

We kindly ask all of the interested candidates to submit the following information to the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view later than the 15.2.2024.


Name and surname:

The title of the thesis:

Year of graduation:



Regarding the commission's decision, all candidates will be informed in a timely fashion. The award will be awarded during the ceremonial opening of the 8th Sarajevo Days of Psychology.


The members of the comission for the best master's thesis are: